Mindful USC


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Practice Groups

Practice groups are drop-in (no registration required) weekly group meetings for faculty, staff, and students.

You can drop in for all or part of each session. Typically, a brief introduction to basic mindfulness practice starts each session.


The power of presence.

At a world-renowned university like USC, the pressure is always on. To excel, to discover, to create, to belong. It’s easy to lose ourselves in the striving. Mindfulness practices help us reconnect, to ourselves and each other. Expanding awareness, deepening learning and opening the channels of creativity. Making space for a universe of possibilities.

You can sit with us.

Mindfulness has been scientifically shown to reduce anxiety and stress, improve attention, boost the immune system, reduce emotional reactivity, and promote a general sense of well-being.

Mindful USC’s teachers typically have over 10 years of deep, personal practice and are graduates of the Dedicated Practitioners Program (DPP) and/or Community Dharma Leaders Program (CDL) of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, MARC’s teaching program, UCSD’s teaching program or other training programs headed by well-known mindfulness guiding teachers. They are also required to continue as students themselves, and dedicate themselves to ongoing study (including yearly residential retreats) and to deepening continually their understanding and embodiment of mindfulness.