The CWE story

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“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”

— John Muir —


The journey to wellbeing.

We are a team of experts in organizational dynamics, positive psychology, communication and mindfulness. We are psychologists, consultants, researchers, teachers. And we are Trojans. So we not only understand the campus environment, we’re part of it.

In 2017, we came together to form Campus Wellbeing and Education (CWE), as an arm of CWCI, and part of a multi-pronged effort to develop a culture of wellbeing throughout USC. One in which every member of our community—faculty, staff and students alike—would have all the tools, resources, guidance and support they need to thrive. To achieve, connect and live a life rich with meaning.

In the few short years since, we’ve helped university departments, offices, groups and the individuals in them to heal their differences, work together more effectively, and not only adapt to change, but spearhead it. We’ve been their confidantes, allies, coaches and advisors, and each engagement has helped to create a network of support, respect and care. One that continues to expand to every corner of the USC population.