The CWE COVID-19 Response

As we move further into the ongoing pandemic that none of us have imagined, so many of us have been impacted in profound ways.

Whether through personal loss of a loved one, the loss of stability, the loss of normalcy, there is not a single person who has been untouched by the events that we have endured globally. Even for those fortunate to have weathered the pandemic relatively unscathed, for all intents and purposes, many have been profoundly impacted by what they have seen, shifted perspectives on equity, access to healthcare, wage inequality, and myriad other social dynamics that were brought to the fore.

As we know, wellbeing does not mean the absence of challenge in life. Quite the contrary, given the many sources in life that contribute to our own individual wellbeing, it is often the case that we pursue wellbeing in the face of life’s many inevitable challenges. Those many sources of wellbeing? Relationships are key. Enjoyment and fulfillment in one’s work, role, or interests. A sense of meaning and purpose in life, however newfound. These are the elements of life that can contribute to wellbeing, just as there are those tangible aspects of living like financial security and housing security that can threaten it.

As we continue through this journey together, we encourage you to give yourself time to connect with your thoughts, feelings, and needs. Be intentional about giving yourself the time to check in and take stock of where you are at and how you are doing. If it feels that taking any time is too much… count to 5 slowly as you sit there and take a few deep breaths. Taking care of yourself doesn’t need to be a full hour of exercise at the gym or a yoga class, or an afternoon hike if you simply cannot access that type of activity as many can’t. Taking care of yourself can be those 1-2 minutes you give yourself between meetings, before you shift the car into drive to head home, or taking a few deep breaths as you wash the dishes or walk the dog.

We at CWE want you remind you that you are not alone through all of this. We are here, as are many other resources on campus if you need support.

Thanks, CWE.